TGT 036: Campaign and Legacy Games

This week we talk about the differences in Campaign and Legacy games, both as they relate to each other and as they relate to other games.

Off Topic

First we start off with announcements as always (Josh is back too).  This is the last week of our current giveaway – so listen and enter! Chris is back to Kickstarting things again and we get challenged on whether you can get away with coming out as a spy in resistance.  Finally Chris finds a way to sneak in some talk of Too Many Bones.

On Topic

Well we try and figure out whats the differences between a campaign game and a legacy game.  I’m not sure we ever agree, but we do try.  We also talk about some of our favorites, Pandemic Legacy, Risk Legacy, Gloomhaven, Arcadia Quest and we confess that we’ve never played Decent, but should.

TGT 035: Cult of the New

In this episode we’re talking the new vs. the old, games that is.  What drives us to wanting to play new games instead of the older ones we already know how to play…

Off Topic

Thanks to Sam we have a series of questions to answer in our off topic segment.  And don’t forget about our current giveaway, Santorini!  Visit us at to enter.

On Topic

New vs. old.  Games we like vs. games we don’t know if we like.  Getting better at a game vs. trying out new games.  All this leads us into the Cult of the New vs the Cult of the Old.  Oh, and Sydnie joins us this week!

TGT 034: Board Games vs Video Games

This week we take a closer look at board games vs. video games.  What draws us to each and why might we play one over the other.

Off Topic

In our off topic segment we get some feedback from our last episode on board game geek.  We learn a few extra tricks and maybe even how a trade works.

We then answer a quick question about the cost of board games.

On Topic

We drill into the differences between board games and video games.  There were a number of times we may have looked like we were preferring one over the other, but in the end, we like them both.

TGT 033: Board Game Geek

This week we focus on .  But first…

Off Topic

We’re into the last week of our Fields of Green contest.  To enter visit us at  The deadline is midnight (your local time) April 7th, 2017.

We then announce some changes to your off topic section in order to make it shorter.  Followed by some feedback on past episodes.

On Topic

We talk about  This is a big topic, but we try and cover the basics and give a few advanced tips as well.  We’re all still learning everything BGG has to offer, so we’re looking for feedback and tips that you might have about BGG.

Join the conversation on our BGG forum or visit us out our website