TGT 110 On Topic: Managing Your Collection

This week we take a look at managing your collection from all sides. What games should you add? What games should you get rid of? How and where should you store them? When you only have a few games, these can be easy questions to answer. But…we all…end up with…too many games…!!! (Ok, maybe not everyone, but still.)

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One thought on “TGT 110 On Topic: Managing Your Collection”

  1. Excellent podcast. I have been collecting games for about five years and my collection has swollen from a couple of boxes to well over a thousand. Many of them have been bargain finds at the various thrift stores, though I have also gotten some through Kickstarters and GenCon.
    Space is definitely an issue as well as not getting enough of them to the table. I have handled the overflow by selling on EBay, Craigslist and the GenCon auction and consignment store. GenCon sales have actually paid for the trip during the last two years.
    I live in Madison and will be attending GameHoleCon this year.

    Hope to see you there,


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