Category Archives: Podcast

Our podcast posts.

TGT On Topic 264: Why Replay Games?


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This week we take a deep dive into why we play any game more than once.  Are there certain types of games where one play is enough?  Are other game designed to encourage multiple plays?  Is this just a way to talk cult of the new vs cult of the old?  In your collection, what is the average number a game gets played?

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Clash of Rage
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Munchkin Quest
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 263: Rewriting Game rules


This week Chris and Fletcher are alone again as they talk about rewriting the rules to games.  That could mean rewriting a whole rulebook to make it clearer, writing rules summaries, modifying the game with your own rules, or even making up an entirely new game with the components of a game you didn’t find all that great to start with.

Speaking of rewriting rules, check out for some amazing rules summarizes.

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Clash of Rage
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Munchkin Quest
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 262: 3D Printing For Games


This week Chris bought a 3D Printer and is using the podcast to justify his purchase.  Also we talk about 3D printing in general and some of the things you can do with it for tabletop gaming.  It really is kinda cool.  

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Clash of Rage
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Munchkin Quest
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT RPGs 261: Running Your First Game


This week we, in prep for Kitty running her first RPG game, we talk about what goes into that first game. Over prep can be bad, but under prep can cause issues with confidence. There is a sweet spot, but that all depends on the game, the players, and most importantly the GM.

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Clash of Rage
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Munchkin Quest
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 260: Sandbox Games


This week we Fletcher and Chris talk about sandbox games, but not games you play in a sandbox.  What are they? How are they different from other games? And why would you like or not like them?  Oh, and Chris recaps the games he played at GameHoleCon this past weekend.

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Clash of Rage
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Munchkin Quest
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 259: Tabletop Minitures Games


This week we look at tabletop miniatures games in depth.  Not board games with miniatures, but things like Warhammer, X-wing, and HeroClix.  What keeps us from playing these games or what drives us to want to play more of them.  We also recap our Call of Cthulhu in the post credits. 

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Clash of Rage
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Munchkin Quest
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 258: Gaming Obsessions

This week we take a deep dive into gaming by talking about the eps and flows of gaming obsessions.  Are they healthy or just lunacy I tell you lunacy!!  No, no, it’s fine, I can stop anytime.  Lunacy!!!  

Oh, and sorry David Waggoner, Chris accidentally cut you out of the credits, but we haven’t forgotten about you!  LUNACY!!!

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Crusaders: Thy will be done
Clash of Rage
Dire Wild
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Squarriors: The Card Game
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Dungeon Alliance
Munchkin Quest
The Stonebound Saga
Way of the Panda
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club
One Night Ultimate Werewolf (collection)

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 257: The Call of Cthulhu RPG

This week we talk about the Call of Cthulhu role playing game and how it differs from D&D in it’s system, but also in how it needs to be run to create the tension necessary for a “horror” type game.

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Crusaders: Thy will be done
Clash of Rage
Dire Wild
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Squarriors: The Card Game
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Dungeon Alliance
Munchkin Quest
The Stonebound Saga
Way of the Panda
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club
One Night Ultimate Werewolf (collection)

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 256: Games of Choice

This week we look at our games of choice across multiple categories (card, casual, party, 2-player, and gamer) and why we like those games.  But the first 20 minutes we talk about Fletcher’s wedding this past weekend!

Here are a couple pics from the wedding:

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Crusaders: Thy will be done
Clash of Rage
Dire Wild
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Squarriors: The Card Game
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Dungeon Alliance
Munchkin Quest
The Stonebound Saga
Way of the Panda
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club
One Night Ultimate Werewolf (collection)

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 255: Price of Games

This week we while Fletcher is off getting ready for his wedding this weekend, Chris and Kitty talk about GenCon and spending too much money on games, or not, it’s complicated…

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Crusaders: Thy will be done
Clash of Rage
Dire Wild
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Squarriors: The Card Game
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Dungeon Alliance
Munchkin Quest
The Stonebound Saga
Way of the Panda
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club
One Night Ultimate Werewolf (collection)

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon

TGT On Topic 254: Can Games Die? (updated audio)

This week we talk about the life cycle of games and whether publisher and community support can kill a game and/or keep it alive.  This is in response to news about KeyForge (one of Chris’s favorite games) going on hiatus for an undetermined amount of time.

If you want to enter our 2021 giveaway, details are below. And if you’re a winner this is the current list of games you get to pick from (more will be added throughout the year):

Krosmaster Quest
Quest Time of Heros
High Heavens
Stop Thief
Crusaders: Thy will be done
Clash of Rage
Dire Wild
Firefly Adventures
Arena of the Gods
Munchkin Gloom
The Legand of the Cherry Tree
Squarriors: The Card Game
Arkham Horror: Final Hour
Steam Rollers
Spyfall 2
Muchkin Gloom
House of Danager
Dungeon Alliance
Munchkin Quest
The Stonebound Saga
Way of the Panda
Jim Hanson’s Labyrinth
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Spy Club
One Night Ultimate Werewolf (collection)

2021 Giveaway Rules (subject to change at anytime for any reason)

    • Email anytime during the year will give you 1 entry for the rest of the year.
    • Active patrons during the drawing will get entries based on their pledge level.
    • Winner must email within 2 weeks to claim their game(s) and work out shipping, failure to do this will trigger a new drawing for that prize.  (In this case, the person will still be eligible for future drawings.)
    • You may only win once in 2021 for this giveaway.  (If we do unrelated giveaways, you will still be eligible to win those.)
    • Winner will pick from the current list of games, new games will be added over the year.

Email feedback and contest entries to feedback [at] Go to to learn how to be part of our live audience.

Follow us on twitter

or Facebook Chris’s facebook (let him know you’re a listener in the friend request):

Join the conversation on Board Game Geek

Support us via Patreon