TGT 039: Traveling With Games

This week we talk about traveling with games.

Off Topic

We announce a new giveaway: Mechs vs. Minions!

Then we talk briefly about the Bang lawsuit, there’s more about that here:

Next a big about Villages of Valeria vs. Lords of Waterdeep and then on to Kickstarters!

Path of Light and Shadow:

Diceborn Heros:

Hardwood Dice Towers:

Here is the link to his twitch channel:

We then get into some feedback and finally a quick question on starting a game collection.

On Topic

We got a ton of feedback on our boardgamegeek forum:

We talk games that are good for travel, those that start in small boxes (anything Tiny Epic and most social deduction games).  We also talk about game footprint considerations and repacking bigger games.  Oh and we even touch on airport security.


5 thoughts on “TGT 039: Traveling With Games”

  1. Just FYI The Captain is Dead is published by AEG. A easy mistake by all. 😉

  2. Chris,
    It is said that “Quest of Valeria” is most like “Lords of WaterDeep”. Pretty good game I hope you get to play it.

    1. I have Quest of Valeria as well – hasn’t hit the table yet, but now I’ll have to accelerate that.

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