TGT 055: Solo and Co-op Games

This episode we start by talking a bit about hurricane Harvey.  We’re going to be donating our September patreon money to  Follow the cause with #GamersVsHarvey

Then we get into gaming topics starting with the Chris’s new game he’s Kickstarting, ALEXANDRIA.

We then talk about last weeks episode and how we really need several more episodes to cover it all – we plan to do just that over the next few weeks.

We make it to on topic and talk about Time Stories, Deadline, Professor Evil and the Citadel of Time, Flatline and Kitty even snuck in Perfection.  We talk about when a co-op can be turned into a solo game and why we like solo games in general.

Oh -and the game Josh mentioned is called “H.E.A.D. Hunters”.  It’ll be kickstarting soon.