TGT 076: Gaming Vocabulary

This week we’re talking about the gaming jargon and vocabulary we can tend to take for granted when talking to new players.  Or as a new player the terms that can confuse us and make it harder to really get into the hobby.

But first after our normal news and announcements, Chris has a new “formal” Kickstarter segment.  We then get into feedback, and a quick question from Jason on gaming snobbery.

0:00 – Intro/News/Announcements
8:15 – Kickstarter
16:33 – Feedback
21:21 – Quick Question
26:15 – Main Topic
59:00 – Outro

Capricon, Feb15-18 in Wheeling, IL:
Rocky Mountain Gaming Vacation:

Nemesis Kickstarter:
UBoot Kickstarter:

Steven Sites reviews Voodoo Mania: Voodoo Mania is a light card game I have played with my 4 and 6 year olds. In the game everyone has a stack of cards which difers on #of players and has 3 rounds. In each round everyone simultaneously plays their cards trying to get rid off all the cards. There are 5 symbols and 5 colors in the game. Each card has 4 of the symbols in 4 of the colors and you have to pla y aa card in your hand that has the symbol missing from the card in the color also missing from the card. It’s some what similar to a game like Spot It! but more challenging. It’s a great learning game for my kids with the recognition of both colors and symbols. For me its a easy little filler that might work with people newer to the hobby but even then too light for me. But if you rate it as a game for kids or to be played with kids I’d recommend this one for that. But for a big game night I have other filler card games I’d play first.

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